COVID-19 Cases Predicted to Surge Due to Colder Weather

COVID-19 Cases Predicted to Surge Due to Colder Weather

With the northern hemisphere heading into the colder months, many experts are predicting a surge in COVID-19 cases across North America and Europe. According to the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, there are already early signs of rising COVID activity in Europe. 

The predicted increase in cases is primarily due to the cooler weather that comes with the autumn and winter months. During these months, indoor activities become more popular, and almost everyone spends more time indoors. However, this year, waning vaccination protection also contributes to the predicted increase in cases.

While the U.S hasn’t seen a significant increase in cases yet, experts are keeping a close eye on the situation in the U.K and Europe overall as this could be a precursor to COVID in the states. 

The U.K has already seen a rise in cases, and while still low overall, there has been a rise in both positive tests and hospitalisations. Due to this minor rise, autumn booster vaccinations are being pushed to increase protection from the virus.

While the future is unknown, there is a range of opinions on the future of COVID. Some experts predict that the 2022 autumn and winter wave could be the worst. At the same time, other experts and media sources report that the new wave is unlikely to be as severe.

Either way, it’s important to maintain COVID-19 precautions to protect your health and prevent the spread of the disease. Social distancing is key, and wearing a mask is vital in high-risk areas. With precautions, it’s possible to avoid COVID.

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